Wednesday, August 13, 2014

                                                               Chapter 1
                                                               Look Out!

Archile held the fort with euromon a million lengths from the barracks.
Nightfall is coming,the whole landscape is unfolding its own way out of the moonlight from the western skies and had went in the easterly direction toward the lighthouse.
Euromon was trembled and it was of battlerage as well as she knew she would of liked a rest.
There was no shelters for resting in and no respite for engaging to cease anywhere of the battlefield.
Archile was not up for ambushes of more soldiers becoming of the dead along with the incoming grenade attack's at the other end,had he not thought before and deeply of another plan that did nt involve a death rate.
Euromon had helped Archile numerous of times escape the machine fire that had raided in on there positions.
Endless,it was there incoming artillery which they had both knew too well.

                                                                 Chapter 2
                                                            Is This The End?

Most of the capitals building edge was like a castle ledge and were them staring over seeing a bottomless pit of death and war below it.
Not that it all had came together smoothly,"it was to a no better of a word than","a night-mere in a modern age time".
A hundred thousand or so battle a-ready,already fitted in uniform and had held semi automatics were down there.
Archile and Euromon had,had no intentions of ever going the distance to reach them,but,instead had decided to fall out to a secret entrance door they had previously heard about by a commander named Joslin of the other second ranking of Garrison Fort Platoon.
Do you see what i see,Archile?
Yes,I do.
Is this not what Jason would call a dooms day?
Yes,I would say it is commander.
Roger to Four Zero Nine code beacon red and retreat over.
The radio Euromon had held was what it was,"A Platoon-man radio".
Once again roger to four zero nine code beacon red and retreat over.
No one had answered.
This is it Archile!
Is this the end commander.
The radio had flared.
A platoon-man had answered.
Beacon to Four Zero Nine code red retreat over.

                                                         Chapter 3
                                              This Is An Operation

The sound heard over the platoon-man radio had been better than what was heard of the cheering men at the northern security gate.
That was not easy.
I said clear.
I know you did.
The room lay in a steady position with all four corners of it being carefully watched and a few soldiers had guarded a metal door to the east.
What is it?
There are fleets moving in on our position.
Wrap this up.
Yes sir.
Well move out on three.

                                                        Chapter 4
                                                    The Encounter

The corridor had lied ahead.
The room was of the wooded and steel guard,also,sided like the modern real estate houses were.'
The glare had been at Archile's nose and had settled in on another hall door with security as well as another room as well.
This one has to be it sir.
Then,"Show Us In".
Yes commander.
Satchels set at a ten count sir.

                                                          Chapter 5
                                                    Spruzzel Its You?

The steel had shattered off of its hinges and a-crafted carcass.
Nice one.
Thank you sir.
Ugh,What had taken you so long.
We had an ambush at the entrance level of the C- level and two security gate.
Level two gate?
Ugh,help me up.
Yes collonel.
Thank you all for coming,i had thought you would never show up.
We would never leave you sir.
yeah?,Its a no man left behind mission.
Well,Spruzzel hunched,you should not have came for me.
To the exit immediately.

                                                      Chapter 6
                                          An Unexpected Turn

The lodge had been close.
There was machinery that had up-roared and had made reaching the exit even more difficult.
As well,there was no sign of any platoon-man along the way,but,there was a signal that had amongst
a post-mans desk.
If the post was abandoned,then,these signals would be there guide and help the to escape.
Which Means.........
There is an exit.
This way pronto..
The exit is near men.
We need to rest a minute,Archile.
Ok,we rest here a moment.
Thank you sir.
Code SRST Twenty.
You have fifteen soldier.
No Buts.

                                                            Chapter 7
                                                         What Is This

Are you ok General.
I,I.......,then was silent.
I think he is dead.
Archile your the new General.
Give me one minute.
Just one more minute.
You have to see this sir.
Holy Grenade!
What is this?

                                                              Chapter 8
                                                 Alien Five Code Blue Fox

Everyone here?
Good,"Listen Up","We need to reach this beacon and fast".
I will guard your back General.
Take extreme caution and move on my Orders.
You heard him ladies..
"Lets move" .

                                                       Chapter 9
                                                    Going Home

The halls had seemed to be a-never ending.
The walls had covered with green juice,"Smush".
The doors to every individual sector had a stinch of a fisherman on the water for months on-going and was still alive.
There on our trail.
I see General.
Bullettes,They had blasted every inch of the place including on the roof.
Slow down on those melons soldier.
How far until the exit?
A couple more lengths.
A couple?
Yes a couple.
Were almost there Private Joslin.
I know i can see the double secure door to the lot.
They had each knew the double secure door could only of been a lot for cars and monitorized in moving vans as well as client-tell who had came and gone from the work shoot,"Shoot!".
Grenade out!
I am home safe private.
It was A,"A".......
Yes,leutenant,"It was an alien code five blue fox over.
They had recently stood next to a blue nineteen sixty five sedan,a chevy.
The sedan had had a eight cylinder with an boost drive capability,"Special forces".
Hop in Soldiers.

                                                            The End
                                                       to be continued.......

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